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What Are You Truly Worshipping?

“You shall have no other gods before me” (Exodus 20:3 NIV)

It is time as a Christian for you to take account of what you spend the most of your time thinking and doing. Is God still the one you are giving top priority to in all you do?

I am reading a wonderful book called “Gods At War: Defeating the Idols that Battle for Your Heart by Kyle Idleman. It is a very convicting book. It makes you face what is first in your life and really take a look at how much time you spend doing things like: scrolling Facebook, playing video games, watching tv, checking the internet etc.

Is something taking up so much of your time that you are neglecting serving the Lord in a way that He wants you to? Has something else taken first place in your thoughts other than the Lord? Are you obsessing over something that can be very harmful to you? Is something taking up so much of your time that you are neglecting reading the Bible and praying? These are all pretty difficult questions, but need to be asked so you can stop some pretty harmful behaviors. Moderation is the key, but sometimes for some people it is difficult to stop after they begin. If you think you cannot handle something in moderation than do not even start it. Ask God to give you strength and He will help you.

Jesus said, “Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind” (Matthew 22:37 NIV). God does not want you to have any idols in your life that you worship over Him. He wants to be number one in your life. So you need to decide what comes first in your life and if it isn’t God, you need to take some time praying about that.


Dear Lord,

It is very easy to get so busy that we forget to put you first in our lives. Help us to truly take stock of the time we spend on unnecessary things and commit ourselves to stop putting these things first instead of you.

In Jesus’ name,




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