Special service: Tuesday, December 30 at 7 PM. Blaine and Christine Bowman.
Come and sing Christmas songs with “The Bowmans!”
Sunday Sermon Title:
“Where is this God of Yours?”
Note from the Pastor:
When you are going through tough times, it can be hard to hear from the Lord. People and the enemy of our soul can say to us, “Where is this God of yours?”
God is not slack in keeping His promises. God does not force us to praise Him or to love Him. The Bible says that if we seek Him we shall find Him! The key is to seek Him diligently and with your whole heart!
I want to encourage you to not let the enemy control the movie house of your mind! Do not focus on the negative things of this life, focus on the promises of God! As you walk in your spirit, your enemies will notice that your God has shown up!
May this new year be filled with the blessings of the Lord! Choose to believe again!
God Bless,
Pastor Jon
Service Times:
9:30 am Sunday School (Discipleship Class) by Pastor Jon
(Adult & Children classes)
10:30 am Sunday Worship Service (Adult & Children services)
Pastor Jon & Theresa Rhinehart
Praise Chapel PCG
P.O. Box 254
500 W. Broadway St.
(419) 408-HOPE (4673) Prayer & Info Line
One Response
Praise the Lord Pastor Jon. Pain and troubles may be here for a time, but Joy comes in the morning and the sun(Son) always comes up in the morning.
They say tough times don’t last long, but tough people do. I don’t feel to tough right now, but there is one thing I am sure of and that is that God is with me and He will never leave me or forsake me.
He Is faithful. He is the Reason for the Season and all seasons. We all have to join together and put prayer back in schools and the Pledge of Allegence also. God has NOT left us and He Is with us and He is in our hearts if we will only ask. So simple. I know that I know I could never of gone through the death of my Hubby last month without God and our faithful friends and family. I praise Him and thank Him always for His Grace and His strength.
Merry Christmas and a safe New Year to you all.
Gods Blessings
Gloria Cram