BVHS Director of Corporate Quality and Patient Safety Becomes a Certified Professional of Healthcare Quality

Roxanne Williams, director of corporate quality and patient safety at Blanchard Valley Health System (BVHS), has recently become a certified professional in healthcare quality (CPHQ). A CPHQ is an individual who has passed an accreditation examination developed by the National Association of Healthcare Quality.
Becoming a CPHQ means Williams demonstrates competent knowledge and understanding of program development and management, along with quality improvement concepts and other quality-related skills. Only approximately 11,000 professionals have received this certification.
“BVHS consistently strives to offer the highest quality of care and service,” said Williams. “Becoming a CPHQ provides me with a deeper understanding of quality principles and tools that can be used within the organization. I am honored to bring these skills to the health system.”
For more information on the certification for professionals of healthcare quality, visit