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Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. Seeking Nominations to Honor Caregivers in our County

Perrysburg, OH (September 15, 2015) – Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc. (WCCOA) will host the Golden Care Awards in partnership with Brookdale of Bowling Green, Ohioans Home Healthcare, The Waterford at Levis Commons and Kingston of Perrysburg. The event, in honor of National Caregivers Month, will be held on Thursday, November 5 from 5-8 p.m. at Greystone Hall, located at 29101 Hufford Road in Perrysburg, Ohio.


This event, celebrating caregivers, will include dinner provided by Brookdale of Bowling Green and refreshments by Gentiva Hospice, entertainment by the Jake Pilewski jazz trio and an awards ceremony. Recognition will be given to caregiving heroes who are professionals working in a facility or home care setting and those community members who assist older adults in their neighborhoods. All nominees will be honored at the event.


The Golden Care Awards recognize the caregiving heroes in our neighborhoods and we are seeking your assistance to help identify these caring individuals. The two award categories have been developed to identify the compassionate caregivers working in a facility or home care setting (including physicians, nurses, and the support team), and to identify those in the who are community caregivers tending to the needs of their neighbors, friends or loved ones.


The criteria to nominate a professional caregiver consists of their employment in a long term care/ assisted living facility or home care setting that cares for older adults and that they have been an active caregiver during the 2015 calendar year. These professionals must have a minimum of 5 years of experience working in with older adults. These caregivers will be recognized for their commitment to the quality of life of their clients.


To nominate an unpaid caregiving hero in your community, the individual must have been an active caregiver for a family member, friend or neighbor within the 2015 calendar year and they must not be paid for their time. The care recipient must reside in Wood County and the caregiver must provide direct care and tend to the need of an older adult so that they can remain in their homes.


You can help us honor these individuals by submitting your special caregivers name to the 2015 Golden Care Awards. Self-nominations will not be accepted.


Nomination forms are available at all Wood County Senior Centers or on the WCCOA website ( or by calling (419) 353-5661 or (800) 367-4935.


Nomination deadline is Friday, October 16, 2015. Completed nomination forms with photo can be submitted to: WCCOA, 305 N. Main St., Bowling Green, Ohio 43402.


The mission of the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc., shall be to provide older adults with services and programs which empower them to remain independent and improve the quality of their lives.


For information on programs and services, please contact the Wood County Committee on Aging, Inc., at (419) 353-5661, (800) 367-4935 or


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