The Wood Soil & Water Conservation District is hosting a pond clinic on Monday, April 15 at 6:30 PM at the Agricultural Incubator Foundation 13737 Middleton Pike Bowling Green. The pond clinic is free and open to the community. Please RVSP to the district office at 419-354-5517 #4 or online at
The district is also offering a spring fingerling fish sale. Fish species offered include: Bluegill, Hybrid Bluegill, Redear Sunfish, Channel Catfish, Largemouth Bass, Yellow Perch, Fathead Minnows, and Triploid White Amur. Order forms are available on the website at or by stopping by the office at 1616 E Wooster Street (Greenwood Centre – The Courtyard) Bowling Green, OH. Fish pick-up is Tuesday, April 30 at 9:30 AM at the Wood County Fairgrounds. Orders are due to the district office no later than Wednesday, April 24.
Additional information is found on the district website